
Interviews for Public Media:

"Schwärme - Intelligenz der Massen" (Swarm intelligence, 2009), film by Jakob Kneser (SYMBRION's part of this movie was prepared together with P.Levi, F.Schlachter [Universität Stuttgart], L.Winkler [Universität Karlsruhe], Ch.Schwarzer [Universität Tübingen], on the 2010 International Wildlife Film Festival "Green Screen" Eckernförde this movie won the award as the best scientific movie, ARTE Television


 BBC "Click", (22.04.2009, FET conference, on behalf of REPLICATOR and SYMBRION consortiums), BBC Television



"Could we be swarmed by robots?" (13.03.08, with A.Winfield), ITN Channel, UK




3Sat "Delta", (24.01.08, with P.Levi), 3Sat Television



3Sat "Hitec", (20.01.08, with M.Szymanski, L.Winkler), 3Sat Television



TV feature “Intelligente Schwärme: Mini-Roboter beginnen sich selbst zu organisieren” in the series “Newton” on the TV channel “ORF 1” (12.1.2008, with Th.Schmickl, K.Crailsheim), Austrian Broadcasting Corporation



3Sat "Delta - Mysteriöses Bienensterben", May 2007 (with P.Levi), 3Sat Television



Series "Quarks & Co." "Das Geheimnis des Schwarms"- online experiment with Jasmine robots (10.4.2007, with Th.Schmickl, M.Szymanski, R.Thenius), WDR Television



"Swarm research: cleverness of machines" ("SCHWARMFORSCHUNG: DIE KLUGHEIT DER MASSEN") (with P.Levi, D. Floreano, M Dorigo), GEO, July 2009

S.Kernbach, Th.Schmickl, M.Szymanski, R.Thenius: Series "Nano" (11/2006), 3sat, Television, 11/2006

S.Kernbach, Th.Schmickl, M.Szymanski, R.Thenius: "Bienen als Vorbild fuer Miniatur-Roboter" (Bees as Models for Miniature Robots ) (16.11.2006), Bayern3, Television, 16.11.2006

S.Kernbach, Th.Schmickl, M.Szymanski, R.Thenius: "Swarm Robots Act with Group Intelligence", Discovery Channel, Television, 2004

" 'Sugar-cube' robots could team up and change shape"(with Alan Winfield),The Guardian, UK, March 13 2008

"Automaten im Körper: Mini-Roboter sollen heilen helfen", Deutschlandfunk, 07.04.2007

"Die Stammtische der Roboterschwaerme" (The Regulars' Tables of the Robot Swarms)", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 28.02.2007

"Roboterschwärme räumen auf" - Computer Zeitung 37/40, 2006

"Ant-Like Robots Begin to Colonize" - Discovery Channel, 13 Sep. 2005


Some unconventional news on the web


RT - Billion dollar race: Soviet Union vied with US in ‘mind control research`

New York Post - The USSR spent $1B on mind-control programs

Mail Online - Did Soviets really spend $1billion on mind control programme? Report 'reveals secretive parapsychology operations dating back to 1917'