High penetrating components of laser and LED emission


A high penetrating component of laser and LED emission was first discovered by Russian scientist A.V.Bobrov in 1997 [1] [2]. Overview of these works can be found in the book [3]. The main point of this effect is related to the electric double layer (EDL) appeared on the surface of an object placed into a liquid. Electrokinetic phenomena are described by the Gouy-Chapman-Stern model [4]. Corresponding to this model, EDL can be represented by two layers: internal Helmholtz (absorption) layer and outer Gouy-Chapman (diffuse) layer [5]. As mentioned in [3], the diffuse layer is of interest. In a number of works, e.g. [6], [7], [8], dielectric behaviour and properties of the Gouy-Chapman layer are investigated. In particular, the dielectric response of this layer depends among other factors on the temperature, ionic concentration and spatial polarization of water dipoles. As proposed in [1,2] and confirmed by a large number of different experiments [9], modulated laser and LED emission is capable of influencing spatial polarization of dipoles and thus of changing dielectric properties of the Gouy-Chapman layer. It is remarkable that laser and LED emitters are isolated by multiple shields from EDL sensors to remove such factors as variation of temperature and EM-fields, acoustic impacts and vibrations from influence on the results. The produced effects appeared in changing an electric current flowing through the water-electrode system and thus can be experimentally measured. For statistical analysis the measurements are done by several sensors in parallel and repeated to achieve a statistical significance.

These experiments point to a high-penetrating emission appearing at specific powering and frequency parameters of LED/lasers. Several independent authors replicated these experiments, e.g. [13], here is a citation from [11]:   

In several experiments we observed a causal dependency between switching on the LED generator or installing the water container and the reactions of the sensors. Between two and six sensors simultaneously recorded such reactions. The recorded data were evaluated about two hours before and after the experiments. The active LED generator and passive irradiated water caused a similar impact on the detectors, whereas tap water and a normal state (night hours without any objects close by) indicated mostly a monotonic dynamic in the sensors. The impact of such influences as temperature, EM fields, and others was minimized up to the level sensed by the measuring devices. Based on these results, we evaluate the main part of the replication attempt as successful.

Since EDL exists in multiple biological objects, e.g. cell membranes, it can be assumed that LED/laser emission is also capable of influencing different cellular processes, e.g. in cell membranes, signalling pathways, and thus leads to a number of biological effects on the cellular and organism levels. Performed experiments with plants, microorganisms (yeast), blood cultures confirmed these assumptions, see e.g. overview in [3]. Later on this research was extended to search of new effects, as well as to attempts to explain the discovered phenomena, see e.g. [12]. 




[1] A.V. Bobrov, Torsion component of electromagnetic emission. Information fields in medical and agricultural science. VINITI N 635-В98, М., 1998 (in original: Бобров А.В. Торсионный компонент электромагнитного излучения. Информационные торсионные поля в медицине и растениеводстве. Депонированная работа. ВИНИТИ, Деп. № 635-В98, М., 1998).

[2] A.V. Bobrov, Investigation of impact of quantuum generators on biological objects. Report on the topic N 04.01.066, the registration number 01.2.00 105789. Оrel, 2001 (in original: Бобров А.В. Исследование влияния параметров информационного воздействия с применением квантовых генераторов на жизнедеятельность биологических объектов. Итоговый отчет по теме № 04.01.066. Государственный регистрационный номер 01.2.00 105789. Орел, 2001, с. 65)

[3] A.V. Bobrov, Investigating a Field Concept of Consciousness (in original: Модельное Исследование Полевой Концепции Механизма Сознания). Orel, Russia: Orel State Technical University. 2006 (link to the doc file)

[4] J. Lyklema. Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science. Academic Press, 2005. (link to the google books)

[5] Alexei A. Kornyshev. Double-layer in ionic liquids: paradigm change? The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111(20):5545–5557, 2007. PMID: 17469864. (link to journal) (link to .pdf paper)

[6] M. L. Belaya, M. V. Feigel’man, and V. G. Levadnyii. Structural forces as a result of nonlocal water polarizability. Langmuir, 3(5):648–654, 1987.(link to journal)

[7] H. Stenschke. Polarization of water in the metal/electrolyte interface. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 196(2):261 – 274, 1985. (link to journal)

[8] DavidW. R. Gruen and Stjepan Marcelja. Spatially varying polarization in water. A model for the electric double layer and the hydration force. J. Chem. Soc.,Faraday Trans. 2, 79:225–242, 1983. (link to journal)

[9] A.V. Bobrov, Interaction between spin fields of material objects (in original: А.В. Бобров. Взаимодействие спиновых полей материальных объектов. Материалы
международной научной конференции) Khosta, Russia; August 25–29, pp. 76–86, 2009

[10] A.V. Bobrov. Experimental substantiation of the possible mechanism of the laser therapy. In Electronic Instrument Engineering Proceedings, 1998. APEIE-98. Volume 1. 4th International Conference on Actual Problems of, pages 175 –178, 1998. (link to the publisher)

[11] S. Kernbach, Replication Attempt: Measuring Water Conductivity with Polarized Electrodes, Journal of scientific exploration, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 69–105, 2013

[12] A.V. Bobrov, Physical nature of induction phenomenon (link to the doc document)

[13] A.V. Bobrov, Field-Information Interations. (in original: А.В.Бобров. Полевые информационные взаимодействия. Сборник трудов. - Орел: ОрелГТУ, 2003) Orel, Russia: Orel State Technical University. 2003. (see the online book)



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